Monday 6 August 2012

17 Ramadhan

Who knows about the 17th Ramadhan? 
When we ask  to Muslims about  this  question, they  will talk about Nuzul Al-Quran. Nuzul quran is a day  of al-Quran was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

But, it is not only about Nuzul Al-Quran. There is another history happened on the same date,  there has been an important battel that really gives us lessons. The battel is Badar Al-qubra. We call that because the battel was happened in a place called Badar,
 located between Mekah and Madinah.

Rasulullah with His 313 sahabah  went to the Badar. They walked 100 miles over  from Madinah to Badar during  fasting month, Ramadhan. 
Eventhough the battle happened during Ramadhan they still fasting 
and never use the excuse to skip.

In Badar Al-Kubra, they confronted with 1000 soldiers of Kafir Quraisy. Altought their numberis  very different, the muslim soldiers remain confident that they will win in this battel and very confident  with Prophet Muhammad.Their faith and connection with Allah is very  strong, that’s why they can defeat the enemy. 

The leader of Kafir Quraisys is Abu Jahal. He was killed in that battel.

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